Personal Injury Lawyers Who Have Been Fighting for Arkansans for Over Forty Years
“Personal Injury” is used to describe a wide variety of accidents; however, 40+ years of trying personal injury cases has given us the knowledge and experience to provide superior representation for people injured in a broad range of different scenarios. Start to finish, we work in your best interest: We begin with a free consultation and end with getting paid only when we win your claim. We mean it when we say,
“We’ll Win Your Case for You, or
You Don’t Owe Us a Dime!”
While most of our clients are from Central Arkansas, we represent injured persons throughout the state and beyond. Across Arkansas, we are known for our success in complex, high-profile cases, which include not only personal injury cases, but also car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, malpractice, & slip and fall. If you or a loved one has been injured, contact us today!